Cannibal Corpse

Jim Carrey's Metal Influence in “Ace Ventura”

On the “Ace Ventura” movie set, a unique convergence occurred – Jim Carrey, in his whimsical best, crossed paths with the intense presence of Cannibal Corpse, creating an unforgettable cinematic moment.

A Brutal Masterpiece: Delving into “Tomb of the Mutilated”

With the release of “Tomb of the Mutilated”, Cannibal Corpse ventured into realms of brutality and explicit content that few had explored before. The album, notorious for its savage lyrical narratives and graphic cover art, sparked heated debates and faced bans in various countries, becoming a symbol of extreme metal’s contentious yet captivating nature.

Vince Locke: The Artist who Painted the Dark Canvas of Death Metal

He’s the man whose macabre creations are too graphic for some countries. Vince Locke’s name might not be in lights, but his art screams from the covers of death metal’s most notorious albums.

Cannibal Corpse: Over Three Decades of Uncompromising Death Metal

Cannibal Corpse remains a tour de force in the death metal scene, a genre known for its extreme intensity and technical proficiency. For over thirty years, they have been at the helm, steering the genre towards mainstream acceptance while retaining their brutal and controversial identity.